Best 404 Pages examples for web designers

Best 404 Pages examples for web designers

404 is an error code for a web page. All web developers and designers are very much use to with this error message. This code refers, the page that you want load/watch are not found by the web browser or server is unable to send response for your requested URL. Sometimes user get bored or close browser tab when they found such type of pages.

No doubt, keep visitor in your website always a main target to make website popular. Without visitor, websites become useless! So, web masters try to give maximum attention for user satisfaction when they design or develop websites. You know, occurring errors is a natural process in development session. 404 page is such kind of error and most of the times developers are not concerned about this error. If there is any error occurred while page is loading then we can show useful relevant links or meaning full error message to user. As a result they can easily understood what happened with this page. In this way we can keep visitors in our website.

By default 404 page styling is defined by the browser. But if you want you can easily customize them and create a nice 404 error page for your website. As a result if there is any 404 page found by the browser, it will redirect user to your defined 404 page URL. Most of the PHP framework like codeigniter, zend or YII provide custom 404 page layout.


Most of popular website contain nice 404 error pages , so they visitors may not feel bad when they got an 404 error message. In today’s post I’m going to show you some of Exclusive and nice 404 error pages. So, you can easily get an idea about how to design a 404 error page for your website.

01. 404 Page:

ferdaze 404 page

URL: Demo

02. 404 Page:

habrahabr 404 page

URL: Demo

03. Future of Web Design 404 Page:

future of web 404 page


04. Popscreen 404 Page:

pop screen 404 error page

URL: Demo

05. Twurn 404 Page:

Twurn 404 error page

URL: Demo

06. Propeller 404 Page:

Propeller 404 error page

URL: Demo

07. CUOMA Design Studios 404 Page:

CUOMA Design Studios 404 error page


08. Product Planner 404 Page:

Product Planner 404 error page

URL: Demo

09. 404 Page: error page

URL: Demo

10. Spreadshirt 404 Page:

Spreadshirt 404 error page

URL: Demo

11. deviantART 404 Page:

deviantART 404 error page

URL: Demo

12. Wufoo 404 Page:

Wufoo 404 error page

URL: Demo

13. Pingo 404 Page:

404 pingo

URL: Demo


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