Generally, website or web application performance refers to the content loading speed. So, ‘Loading Speed’ is the primary factor of any web application or web site success. Nowadays, we use the web application in our handhold devices like the mobile or tab, and the visitor likes to use those applications that load less than 3-4 seconds.
If you own a website that contains useful and informative content, but, the site contents are not optimized. By optimizing those contents, we can easily make the web application super fast. Otherwise, there is a possibility of loosing the incoming visitors, and that leads to the failure of that website. Don’t worry, here goes 7 tips to improve the web application performance.
1. Minify CSS and JavaScript Codes.
Remove all the white spaces, tab, and newlines from your code. There are lots of free online tools that help to compress CSS and JavaScript codes, and you can use any of them.
2. Use Single CSS and JS file.
If your website has multiple CSS and JavaScript files, then you need to combine them in a single file. This way, the site will request fewer files to the server.
3. Use Single Image File For Icons.
Use the CSS sprite technique for loading multiple image icons. Generate a single image file, and implement background-position CSS property to display the icons in the web application.
4. Enable Gzip compression.
Almost every premium server provides the Gzip compression feature. So, add an htaccess file to enable the Gzip compression to get a quicker response from the server.
5. Avoid inline CSS and JavaScript.
Usually, modern web browsers use the cache to store CSS and JavaScript files. So, later the browser uses those files directly from the cache and speeds up the application performance. However, If the web application uses inline CSS and JavaScript, then the browser could not store those files into its cache. So, it is recommended to avoid inline CSS and JavaScript files to enhance web application speed.
6. Properly Use Ajax Request.
For Ajax request, try to use GET method instead of POST.
7. Check Site Performace By Speed Testing Tool.
Use a testing tool for checking application performance. Here goes 8 Top free tools for testing website speed
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