PHP Number Formatting Techniques

PHP Number Formatting Techniques

If you are working in PHP, dealing with large numbers, and making it more readable to the users, then “number_format()” is an excellent PHP function that can help you accomplish number formatting tasks.

This function takes a number as input, which may be in integer or floating point values. By default, the number_format function adds a comma(,) between a group of thousands. But you can use the custom symbol in the number_format function. Example 2 will show you a technique on how to use custom symbols.

The important thing is that changing the number structure using the “number_format” function converts numbers into a String. So, You should manipulate all mathematical calculations before using the number_format function.

Number Format Example: 01

// define number

$amount = 1257459.7398;

// format number with commas and 2 decimal places

// result: "1,257,459.74"

$new_number = number_format($amount, 2);

echo $new_number;

Number Format Example:  02

// define number

$amount = 1957559.7398;

// format number with custom separator

// result: "1'957'559,74"

$new_number = number_format($amount, 2, ',', '\'');

echo $new_number;


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